Eligibility for In-State Tuition

在学期第一天上课之前,在弗吉尼亚州合法居住至少一年的加拿大28有资格按州内费率支付学费. Domicile means the present, 个人暂时离开后返回的固定住所,他/她打算在此永久居住. 住所和住所不是一回事. 一个人可以在一个以上的州有住所,但只能有一个住所.

With certain exceptions[1] 未满24周岁的加拿大28,可以推定为其父母或法定监护人的住所. 所有加拿大28最初都被认为是在州外,必须通过明确和令人信服的证据证明他们有资格获得州内学费. 一所院校作出的住所地决定,对其就读的其他院校不具有约束力.


  • All US citizens
  • 永久居民(绿卡持有者)
  • Asylees
  • Refugees
  • 处于临时保护状态的个人
  • 某些非移民签证的持有者
  • 童年抵美暂缓遣返计划(DACA)下的个人

In addition, 对现役军人有特殊规定, veterans, 他们的家庭允许他们支付州内学费,而不需要满足正常的居住要求.

加拿大28学院,像所有弗吉尼亚公立学院和大学一样,是由 Domicile Guidelines 国务院印发的《加拿大28》. 本指南由弗吉尼亚法典授权并衍生而来.

加拿大28在弗吉尼亚社区学院系统内所有学院的州内学费资格, including 加拿大28, 最初是由网上入学申请收集的信息决定的. The domicile questions include such things as how long the student or parent has lived in Virginia; whether the student or parent has a Virginia driver’s license, car registration, and voter registration; and the student’s or parent’s history of paying Virginia income taxes as required by law. 最初的决定是自动的,并在加拿大28提交申请时收到的确认页面上通知他们. 加拿大28有权对最初的决定提出异议 appeal.

Undocumented Students

以下人士有资格领取 In-state tuition under the Tuition Equity Provision:

As of July 2020, 弗吉尼亚联邦通过了一项针对可能没有资格获得住所的个人的规定, but live, work, 并向联邦纳税(第23条).1-506). Eligibility for in-state tuition; exception; certain out-of-state and high school students. 

  1. 至少在英联邦国家读过两年高中
    • graduated on or after July 1, 2008, 从公立或私立高中毕业,或从英联邦或其他国家的家庭教育项目毕业
    • passed on or after July 1, 2008, 教育部长批准的高中同等学历考试(GED);
  2. 有没有提交证据证明他们或, in the case of a dependent student, at least one parent, guardian, 或者代替父母的人提出了诉讼, unless exempted by state law, Virginia income tax returns for at least two years immediately prior to the date of registration or enrollment; and
  3. 在弗吉尼亚联邦的公立高等教育机构注册为入学加拿大28或被录取.

无论其公民身份或移民身份如何,符合这些标准的加拿大28都有资格获得州内学费, 持有当前有效F签证的加拿大28除外, H, J or M not eligible.

 Click here for Tuition Equity Provision form.

[1]. ^ 24岁以下的加拿大28,如果他/她是退伍军人或美国现役军人,则被认为是独立的.S. Armed Forces; is a graduate school or professional school student; is married; is a ward of the court or was a ward of the court until age 18; has no adoptive or legal guardian when both parents are deceased; has legal dependents other than a spouse; is able to present clear and convincing evidence of financial self-sufficiency; is the US citizen child of ineligible parents; or was approved for DACA at least one year before the first day of classes for the term.

Updated: Fall 2014